For ‘Audio-Visual Crossroads’, we intend to publish a collection of essays and profiles that showcases the rich and diverse interactions between music and the moving image.
New deadline for the call for abstracts (of 100 to 150) words is March 8, 2022! Selected authors will be informed as soon as possible after the new deadline.
Throughout history, motion picture and music have enjoyed a symbiotic relationship, one that makes for incredibly immersive and mutually-edifying symphonic and cinematic experiences. In Nigeria, both art forms play a vital role in the country’s creative industry, and occasionally collaborate on a variety of projects.
For Audio-Visual Crossroads, we intend to publish a collection of essays and profiles that showcases the rich and diverse interactions between music and the moving image. Thus, we seek contributions that explore the convergence of both genres.
We encourage you to look beyond our suggestions and share your own perspectives, in relation – but not limited – to the following themes:
● Director-Composer relationships and collaborations
● The collaboration of music and film (local or otherwise)
● Keeping Score: The importance of music in film
● Music production essentials
● Nigerian/African music in OSTs
● Film music production/sound collection in the wake of the pandemic
● Advances/Innovation in music education
● Intellectual property considerations
● Music and Sound archiving
● For the Record: Women in the audio industry
● A retrospective essay on your favourite film scores or the work of your favourite composer
● Nigerian/African Music History on Film: Icons, Eras, Genres
● Portrait of the Band, the Artist, the Era, the Genre.
● Playlists: Sound of The Times
● Music (That) Matters: Socio-Political Soundscapes on Screen
● Music. Radio. Cinema.
Important Information and Submission Guidelines:
● This call is open to the general public
● Abstracts (with essay title) of 100 – 150 words, two writing samples and a one-page resumé should be sent – as one file, and in PDF format – to indicating “Audio-visual Crossroads: Call for Content” in the subject line.
● Abstracts must be for original submissions that have not been published previously
● Deadline for submitting abstracts (including essay title) of 100 – 150 words is Sunday, February 20th, 2022.
● Selected contributors will be contacted/notified latest by Tuesday, March 1st, 2022
● Completed articles of 2000 words maximum (including references) will be due on Friday, April 15th, 2022, and should include a brief bio (100 words maximum) and contact details of the author.
● All published contributions will be paid.
For related enquiries, send an email to