5.00pm | Sunday, September 10, 2023. | Alliance Française Lagos, 9 Osborne Road, Ikoyi | Free Entry.

Screen Out Loud is looking forward to showing the award-winning TIMBUKTU (2014) by Abderrahmane Sissako on Sunday, September 10. The acclaimed drama highlights themes around religious extremism and its impact on culture, heritage and recreational activities.
Event details: 5.00pm prompt | Alliance Française Lagos, 9 Osborne Road, Ikoyi | Free Entry.
Not far from Timbuktu, now ruled by religious fundamentalists, Kidane lives peacefully in the dunes with his wife Satima, his daughter Toya, and Issan, their twelve-year-old shepherd. In town, the inhabitants suffer, powerless, from the regime of terror imposed by the Jihadists determined to control their faith. Music, laughter, cigarettes, even soccer have been banned. Women have become shadows but resist with dignity. Every day, the new improvised courts issue tragic and absurd sentences. Kidane and his family seem to be spared the chaos that prevails in Timbuktu. But their destiny changes when Kidane accidentally kills Amadou, the fisherman who slaughtered “GPS,” his beloved cow. He now has to face the new laws of the foreign occupants.

Genre: Drama
Running time: 96 mins
Language: French, Arab, Bambara, Tamashek with English subtitles
Country: France, Mali, Mauritania
Director: Abderrahmane Sissako
Screenplay: Abderrahmane Sissako, Kessen Tall
Editor: Nadia Ben Rachid
Producer: Les films du worso, Orange studio, Dune Vision, Arches Films
Cast: Pino Desperado, Fatoumata Diawara, Abel Jafri, Toulou Kiki, Kettly Noël, Hichem Yacoubi, Ahmed Ibrahim, Mehdi A.g. Mohamed, Layla Walet Mohamed
Age Rating: 12A
Screen Out Loud – Lagos promotes independent cinema from around the world and encourages discourse around film and the moving image. Don’t miss our regular screenings at the Alliance Française de Lagos/Mike Adenuga Centre. Watch. Discover. Share.
Alliance Française de Lagos/Mike Adenuga Centre (or @af.lagos) is a Nigerian-run non-profit institution dedicated to the promotion of French language and francophone cultures, which also provides support to the local arts community. It provides French language classes and promotes an alternative model for culture.