5pm | Sunday, April 10, 2022. | Alliance Française Lagos, 9 Osborne Road, Ikoyi | Free Entry/RSVP

2022 marks 60 years since the Évian Accords signalling Algerian independence. We continue this month’s special focus on personal histories in a global context with THEIR ALGERIA (2020) directed by Lina Soualem (France/Algeria/Palestine).
After more than six decades of marriage, both her grandparents are separating. The film is a personal portrait of their domestic situation and life – social and political – as Algerian migrants in France. Recommended viewing for lovers of documentary film, and history!
The screening is organised with support from Alliance Française de Lagos, the Embassy of France in Nigeria, and LIGHTDOX.
Join us on Sunday, April 10 at Alliance Française Lagos/Mike Adenuga Centre. The screening will start at 5pm prompt (doors open at 4.30pm). Entry is free.
Remember to arrive on time to secure your seat. Social distancing guidelines will also be in place. No face mask, no entry.
No parking on site (commercial parking available around the corner from the venue).
After 62 years of living together, Lina’s grandparents, Aïcha and Mabrouk, have decided to separate. Together, they came from Algeria to Thiers, a small medieval town in the middle of France, over 60 years ago. Side by side, they have experienced this chaotic immigrant life. For Lina, their separation is an opportunity to question their long journey of exile and their silence.

Genre: Documentary
Running Time: 72 mins
Language(s): French, Arabic with French and English subtitles
Director/DOP/Sound: Lina Soualem
Producer: Marie Balducchi, AGAT FILMS and Cie
Co-Producers: Making of Films (Algeria), AKKA Films (Switzerland), Doha Film Institute (Qatar), Al Jazeera Documentary Channel
Editing & Artistic Collaboration: Gladys Joujou
Sound Design: Julie Tribout & Remi Durel, Studio Obsidienne