5pm | Sunday, April 11, 2021. | Alliance Française Lagos, 9 Osborne Road, Ikoyi | Free Entry. RSVP

Hate-fuelled rumours can have tragic consequences lasting for decades. This is at the thrust of NOTRE-DAME DU NIL (Our Lady of the Nile), the award-winning feature film directed by Atiq Rahimi, and a screen adaptation of Scholastique Mukasonga’s novel of the same name originally published, in French, in 2012.
Join us as we screen this moving story on Sunday, April 11 at Alliance Française de Lagos / Mike Adenuga Centre. Screening starts at 5:00 PM prompt (doors open at 4.30pm).
Entry is free! No face mask, no entry. Social distancing guidelines will also be in place.
Remember to RSVP and arrive on time to secure your seat. Save the date and see you there!
This screening is organised in collaboration with the Alliance Française Lagos and the Institut français du Nigeria.
About NOTRE-DAME DU NIL/Our Lady of the Nile
Rwanda, 1973. Our Lady of the Nile is a prestigious Catholic boarding school perched high on a hill, where teenage girls are groomed to be the Rwandan elite. Graduation on the horizon, they share the same dormitory, the same dreams and concerns. But throughout the country as well as within the school, deep-seated antagonisms rumble. Changing these young girls’ lives – and the entire nation – forever.

Genre: Drama, Fiction
Running time: 93mins
Language(s): French and Kinyarwanda (with English subtitles)
Writers: Scholastique Mukasonga, Ramata Toulaye-Sy, Atiq Rahimi
Director: Atiq Rahimi
Starring Pascal Greggory, Amanda Mugabezaki, Albina Kirenga, Malaika Uwamahoro
Filming Location: Rwanda