5pm | Sunday, July 11, 2021. | Alliance Française Lagos, 9 Osborne Road, Ikoyi | Free Entry. RSVP

Myriad metaphors are wrought in stark relief in this essay film from Berlin-based Mosotho filmmaker, Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese, as he explores the many aspects of his relationship with his homeland. We look forward to sharing it on the big screen come Sunday, July 11 at Alliance Française de Lagos / Mike Adenuga Centre.
Screening starts at 5:00 PM prompt (doors open at 4.30pm).
Entry is free! No face mask, no entry. Social distancing guidelines will also be in place.
Remember to RSVP and arrive on time to secure your seat. Save the date.
This screening is organised in collaboration with the Alliance Française Lagos and the Institut français du Nigeria.
A woman walks through the landscapes and crowds of an unnamed country carrying a heavy cross on her back. In the images, the distant voice of a child calls out to its mother, accuses her, rejects her. In his first experimental feature film, Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese mixes the personal with the political. He contemplates from afar where he comes from, having left Lesotho for Berlin. The film’s mother is revealed to be mother earth, against whom he revolts. His unusual and disturbing speech reveals impatience and frustration towards a society bent beneath the weight of history, religion and profiteers. Powerful slow-paced visual evocations give substance to the words with a harsh violence yet inseparable from a deep attachment…

Genre: Experimental, Documentary
Running time: 76mins
Director: Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese
Writer: Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese
Filming Location: Lesotho