Music That Matters: Socio-Political Soundscapes on Screen

In Africa, music played a similar role in confronting injustice, even to the detriment of the artists involved. Over the years, many African artists faced censorship and were forced into exile as they embraced their roles (and responsibilities) as flag bearers, proclaiming messages of truth and emancipation through their songs, performances and music videos.

Audio-Visual Experiments in New-Form Ethnographic Documentaries

The idea is not to obtain an exact representation or reproduction of reality, but rather to shape the emerging reality with innovation and creative ingenuity. Indeed, the expanding semantic potential of sound-image interactions in ethnographic documentaries has prompted a rethinking of the principles of representation.

September 10: NATION FORGOTTEN by Osakpolor Omoregie

NATION FORGOTTEN is a documentary film on the plight of Nigerian pensioners. More than nine pensioners with stirring testimonies lament the pension fraud in Nigeria, non-payment of their gratuities, pension allowances and the troubles of living with barely nothing in a country where getting by is difficult for even the rich.


Extended Play is a Screen Out Loud event featuring more than one film and lasting beyond one day. This first edition will feature films celebrating music and musicians, and music histories from around the world.

June 12: IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF MAMANI ABDOULAYE by Amina Abdoulaye Mamani

Today, the politican seems to have disappeared from the official history of Niger, but the man of letters continues to survive beyond the borders by the writings he left. This man was my father. By following in his footsteps, twenty-three years after his death, I rediscover little by little with his history, the one of my country.

May 8: TRADITION TODAY (Short Film Programme)

Through a selection of four short films, we explore traditional religion and cultures in modern times. We encounter young people who are sustaining or rediscovering their traditional religious heritage regardless of stigma and the pressures of modernisation.